“We make a living by what we do, but we make a life by what we give..” Winston Churchill

In 2016 /17, The OBA set up a perpetual fund to commemorate the 25th year of its formation. The SPC Cricket Fund of the OBA was established in 2008 and had remitted $12,000 to the College to date to support its cricket activities. The Perpetual Fund was established to build on this to self-fund the OBA’s annual remittance to the College in future years. The main sources of the fund were


  • Sponsorships (which included)
    • Platinum – $2,500
    • Gold – $1,000
  • Advertisements for a Silver Jubilee Diary which was distributed to Patricians at the “Silver Jubilee Patrician Nite”. Copies of the diary have also been presented to the Rector for distribution to staff at the College.



Treasurer Noel Rajiv presented Rector with a cheque for Rs. 3 million at the OBA’s Silver Jubilee celebrations to represent amount invested with Commercial Bank of Sri Lanka. Interest earned will be paid to the College annually. 



How the Fund grew since established in April 2016 …..