Rev. Fr. Timothy M F Long OMI
Rector 1936 – 1954

Rev Fr Timothy Long OMI was born in Rathkeale, County Limerick, Republic of Ireland on 22 April 1896 – son of Jermiah Long and Hannah Long(nee Sullivan). He was one of four children. The Long Family were pious and devoted Catholics and both his brothers were also oblates i.e. members of the Order of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. (His younger brother – Rev Fr Daniel Long OMI – was commemorated on the country’s national stamp!). Fr Long’s sister also became a nun – she joined the Order of the Sisters of Mercy.
Fr Long attended Mungret College, Limerick for six years and was received as a novice at Belmont House, Stillorgan, Dublin on 28 September 1915. He made his first vows on 29 September 1916 and his final vows on 29 September 1919. He was ordained at Belmont House by Bishop William Miller, OMI, former Vicar Apostolic of the Transvaal, on 4 April 1920. In 1921, he was sent to St Patrick’s College, Jaffna – which had been in the care of Oblates since 1859 – and joined the College staff. He was a gifted teacher and taught senior English, Latin and History and was also the Prefect of Games. Thus began his life-long interest in Sports. Fr Long was appointed Rector of the College on 10 February 1936.

During his tenure as Rector, Fr Long continued the work of his predecessor, Rev Fr Charles Matthews, in developing and making the College, a leader in the field of education, sports and extracurricular activities. Additionally, Fr Long’s contribution to the growth of Jaffna and the College included – establishment of a Rs 1 Million Fund programme for the construction of Jaffna Public Library, raising funds from USA and UK for the construction of St Patrick’s College buildings, banning of caning as a ‘punishment’ for students, (it is stated that he did this ceremonially by burning a cane at a school assembly which he termed “The burial of Mr Cane”), worked hard to bring the extension of the Railway to Jaffna and beyond Jaffna, canvassed with others for the conversion of Palaly Airport for civilian use, encouraging active participation of cadets at Diyatalawa Camp, admittance of students from Africa to St Patrick’s College, to name a few.

In 1954, Fr Long was sent by his Order to Brisbane, Australia to continue his mission and in 1957, co-founded Iona College in Lindum, Queensland. The College is now one of the largest in the state, with more than 1,500 students. To quote from Iona College website “In 2018, to celebrate the 60th anniversary year of the College, students will walk in the footsteps of one of the College’s founding Oblate Priests, Fr Tim Long. For 9 days the Iona students will visit sites of significance, including world heritage locations, historical Oblate schools, libraries and St Patrick’s College established by Fr Long”. Published alongside is an endearing photograph of the students of Iona at Fr Long’s statue which stands in the forecourt of the Jaffna Public Library.
Quoting Mr Augustine Saverimuttu (veteran journalist and former announcer at Radio Ceylon who was a student of Fr Long at St Patrick’s)
“When he was in Australia, Fr Long took every chance to visit Ceylon because his longing to see his old school in Jaffna where he spent the best and happiest years of his life were irresistible. I remember the last time he visited Jaffna was in the year 1961. Fr Long was on his way to Rome for a retreat. He stopped over in Colombo and travelled to the College. I met him in the school and asked him how he felt to be back in Jaffna. Fr Long replied with visible emotion “Oh, it’s like being back home!”.
On transiting via London, he was taken ill and was admitted to a London hospital where he passed away on 30 April 1961. Fr Long was laid to rest in Plot 55, Oblate Cemetery of Mary Immaculate, Tyrconnell Road, Inchicore, Dublin, Ireland.

The MorningStar newspaper (UK) wrote on 26 March 1954 (when farewelling Fr Long from Jaffna)
“Few people occupied such a large place in the public life of Jaffna as Fr T.M.F. Long had …. Every public cause in Jaffna found in him not only an ardent supporter but an indefatigable worker”
Rev Fr Bernard (Rector, St Patrick’s College, Jaffna 1992 – 2002) who commenced the building of the Long Block at the College wrote “Our Alma Mater will be celebrating its 150th year in the year 2000 AD. It is only meet and right that we celebrate the occasion in a manner worthy of this great institution …. A major project (to celebrate the occasion) is to put up a Jubilee Block dedicated to the memory of Rev Fr T.M.F. Long OMI. Time has come to honour this great Rector with a worthy monument”
Iona College students in the College’s facebook page describe Fr Long thus “Fr Timothy Long OMI, founder of Iona College, was a man of distinction, deep piety, calm judgement and unruffled patience. Fr Long was a man of faith, a motivator who inspired others with enthusiasm. He sincerely believed (what he used to say) that everything was possible and that the impossible only took a little longer”
Compiled from many articles incl. Info provided by Catherine Mullan (Archivist – OMI Archives, Anglo-Irish Province), Timothy Arulanandam (Silver Jubilee Souvenir – Sydney OBA), Augustine Saverimuttu (Daily Mirror)